Welcome to your SystemD free OS
OpenStage is an stable GNU/Linux operative system based on Artix and Arch Linux repositories with a Rolling Release model. Explore and discover it, OpenStage works on intuitive interfaces and is made to be easy for all kind of users. We are free open source project and an alternative to other OS, with the most advanced desktop environment for user experience. We use OpenRC as our default init system due to improve performance and keep alive the open source philosophy.
i3wm new iso is ready to download now
OpenStage team is proud to shout out our new iso with i3 window manager. We had sometime working on it and finally is ready !!
Take a look at what we include
Be safe of virus and spyware, Linux have the robust unix security inside, so you can be paceful and enjoy.
Explore internet without risks, you can control ports and processes trough your firewall manager
We configure and compile with AOCC our own kernel to get a better performance and support with other devices
For the most exigent users, we have included a selection of packages focused on Linux development
Connecting your devices to the computer will no longer be a problem, we have implement the system for it
We add custom look for our desktop, but you can change it always that you want and get an own system style